En las próximas semanas se lanza a nivel de la Unión Europea el ‘Observatorio y Repositorio Europeo de Software Libre’ (Open Source Observatory and Repository, OSOR). El OSOR es una plataforma diseñada para compartir aplicaciones de Gobierno Electrónico que están basadas en FLOSS (Software Libre y de Fuente Abierta). En la página del Directorado General de Informática de la Comisión Europea se informa que el OSOR será lanzado en la ‘Conferencia Internacional de Software Libre 08’, organizada conjuntamente por la Junta de Andalucía y la de Extremadura en Málaga durante los días 20, 21 y 22 de octubre. Según la página, la misión del OSOR es:
“The OSOR.eu platform, and in particular the OSOR.eu Repository and the OSOR.eu Forge are aimed to support and encourage the re-use of publicly-financed Open Source Software developments that are of particular use for public administrations in Europe. OSOR.eu aims to support the collaborative development of OSS applications and solutions, in particular cross-border collaboration and exchange of knowledge or software. Project owners are invited to open projects on the OSOR.eu platform and to license their content or source code under a recognised Open Source license, giving to a larger public the possibility to test and use their solutions, to provide their feedback and to contribute to quality. Re-use and collaboration should produce positive outcomes regarding the number of users, interoperability, sustainability due to the size and the motivation of the supporting developer’s community. OSOR.eu will also promote and link to the work of national repositories so as to encourage the emergence of pan-European federation of Open Source Software repositories. “
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